‘A Transformed Life – Know and Understands Authority


Authority is defined as the delegated power of rule, or legal jurisdiction to speak and act on behalf of the king. It is called exousia in (greek).

Salvation brings you under the authority of God, so that when we command sicknesses and cast out demons, we are acknowledging what was delegated to us as priests in the kingdom.

As believers we speak the command of the King to the demons and they have to flee. We speak to diseases and people are healed. All this happens because Jesus delegated that authority to us when He said, all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him.

Everything in God’s kingdom is structured – THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ is structured.

God has put in place an orderly structure right in the heavenlies. Angels operate according to their rank.
They all function according to their rank.

Lucifer who was head angel in worship corrupted himself by his rebellion against his Supreme authority.

God created a family structure which had Adam as the Authority head hence after they sinned in the garden, God followed the authority that had been put in the garden first.Adam where are you.

Here is some food for thought for you.

1. God’s authority represents God himself.
2. You can’t have Authority without being under Authority.
3. Authority flows from the Throne of God to His creation in an orderly manner.

The Primary sin of Lucifer was trying to rebel against God’s Authority.

The Fall of Adam was an attempt to usurp God’s Authority.
Israel in their cry to have a king like other nations ,they were rebelling against God’s Rule.

– I choose to honour and respect the delegated authority that God has set above me.
– I have power over sickness and diseases and demons because I am under Authority in Jesus name.

Lord – I pray against pride and selfishness to do things my way and I chose to submit under a godly authority. Like the centurion declared … I am a person who is under authority.
I know that with authority comes power. Amen

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