This? or That?


In times like this – it’s important to know where you place your faith. The truth is we all put our faith in something. The current climate is causing mayhem, confusion and selfishness borne from fear. Fear of lack, fear of running out, fear that one will be left stranded and without help.

I see the shops running out of essentials faster than the shop attendants can restock the shelves. It all began with one unassuming household commodity – toilet tissue paper. When this first began it seemed almost laughable and I was sure this trend would die down as quickly as it had begun. Only to find that this trend has continued and intensified, extending to other items as well.

On deeper consideration, I began to think to myself, what is all the fuss about this tissue paper – this paper! And a thought occurred to me, it’s not that paper you need, the paper we need – is contained in a book written by over 40 authors, with penmanship spanning 1500 years.

The paper we need is one that even the French theorist Voltaire declared – would die out in 100 years, a book he thought would not stand the test of time, and which now ironically is distributed from his very home!

When we think about it, toilet paper, has a known and definite end (and I’m sure I don’t need to say much more on that subject!) but the paper pages of my bible – ARE ALIVE. Hebrews 4:12 says: For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

LISTEN, this is not about religion, this is not about any one particular church, this is about what you BELIEVE. Because the truth is, even to say that we do not believe anything is a belief system.
Economies are plummeting, government heads of state are making proclamations and dispensing regulations and rulings by the hour. Nothing seems certain or lasting.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. – Psalm 20:7

So here are my thoughts – it’s time to put your faith in the GOD OF THIS BOOK – THE BIBLE.

– My priorities are in the right place
– I draw my authority and assurance from the Word of God – the bible
– Some trust in chariots but I trust in the name and Word of the Lord.

Lord, in these uncertain times, I will not leave my trust failing in the wind. I make a decision to put my trust in the right place. I trust in the authority of the Word of God. Amen.

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